“Settling the God Question, Maybe.” 

Presenter: Rev. Tim Boeve

Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi

The Rev. Tim Boeve will address the topic, “Settling the God Question, Maybe.” Views on who God is and whether there even is one are myriad.  Western civilization has come a long way from the universal Medieval view in a single, divine all-powerful being whether in Jewish, Christian, or Islamic garb. Ask anyone today what his or her belief is about God and you’re likely to hear descriptions that range from my Higher Power, Divine Energy, Ground of our Being, Nature, Creator, Heavenly Father, Constant Companion, Jehovah, etc. etc. For those who have not made up their minds, the question can be vexing to say the least. But maybe the most important thing to consider is what does how we answer this question about who we believe God to be (or not be) say about us? And what relevance does having a clear conviction on the matter have for us in today’s troubled world?
