Without the financial support of our members and friends, our fellowship could not continue. There are various ways that you can contribute, including our annual pledge drive and legacies.

How to Donate to LCUUF

  1. Bill Pay from a U.S. bank account: Contact
    Susan Miller: lcuufinc@LakeChapalaUU.org
  2. Offering Basket: On Sundays if you attend in person: make sure your pledge is in an envelope!

Share the Basket

During Sunday services, we pass the offering basket. Half of the loose cash received is given to a local non-profit to help further their work, plus any donations specifically designated for Share the Basket.  Learn more about the organizations we support by clicking here.

Pledge Program

We support our congregation by means of a pledge program. Please click here for information on the pledge program for 2024-25.


Your bequest or legacy to LCUUF insures the ongoing work of our Fellowship. For more information, click this link