Our award-winning Service Production Team is happy to bring you these YouTube videos of our Sunday Services.

LCUUF Complete Playlist

Hunger is Everywhere: What Have We Done About It? - LCUUF 20250302

LCUUF Streaming 03.06.25

Kriss Gang, Presenter, Deb Gang, Service Associate,
Food scarcity is a global problem that reaches the shores of Lake Chapala. Kriss Gang, LCUUF board president will present the scope of this problem from a global, Mexican and local perspective and how LCUUF has been engaged with hunger in the Lakeside community. FoodBank Lakeside, a Share The Basket recipient and efficient and effective local non-profit formed during the Covid-19 pandemic, will be part of the presentation sharing their success stories and how they provide food support to the most needy Lakeside.

Oligarchy - LCUUF Humanist Discussion 20250226

LCUUF Streaming 02.26.25

Led by Bob Koches.
Our Humanist Discussion for Feb. will focus on disinformation and the rise of the oligarchs globally and its threat to democracy. We will also look at the rise of autocracy and from the lens of history how oligarchy has also been with us.The thesis is Oligarchy has been the rule in history and Democracy is the exception.

Breaking the Silence About Dementia - LCUUF 20250223

LCUUF Streaming 02.26.25

Presenter: Elly Conreras, Service Associate: Barley Donahue
Breaking the Silence about Dementia, Elly Contreras will share a number of factors about dementia, how we can determine our risk factors and how to prevent or slow down dementia. Through her organization “Lakeside DayBreak Dementia Support” the aim is to make Lakeside a Dementia Inclusive community and offer support to those dealing with the disease.

A Better Way of Being - LCUUF 20250216

LCUUF Streaming 02.21.25

Presenter: Rev. Tim Boeve. Service Associate: Heidi MacLennan

Our world today is filled with harm, seemingly, of late, getting worse by the day. Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön says that one anecdote to not causing harm to ourselves, and others is through mindfulness. The Rev. Tim Boeve will explore tried and true ways of not causing harm in what we think, say, and do. Drawing upon the wisdom of Chödrön and others, he will talk about staying awake, slowing down and noticing what is taking place within ourselves in any given moment. Though we are not directly responsible for much of the harm that we see in the world, our way of being in the world can either add to it or lessen its pervasiveness. As people of conscience and good will, Boeve believes we will want to choose the latter, and through staying awake, slowing down and noticing make the world a safer and better home for ourselves and others.

Practicing Radical Hospitality: Not So Easy - LCUUF 20250202

LCUUF Streaming 02.06.25

Speaker: Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Service Leader: Lynn Cleek/
Many organizations claim they are inclusive, but what does that mean? We can say that we welcome everyone, that all are included, but reality can kick in when we realize that diverse people may bring diverse ideas and behaviors. How many of those ideas are acceptable, even to a community that is open to diverse beliefs? What kinds of behaviors are acceptable, even in a ‘tolerant community? We’ll explore radical hospitality as a way to be more inclusive to everyone, from those who are just curious about us, to our longest-term members.

Three Stories - LCUUF 20250126

LCUUF Streaming 02.02.25

Presenters: Jane Castleman, Michael Swords, Annie Morris. Service Associate: Tim Boeve
Stories are an important part of life, enriching us and providing meaning. We live by our stories, the ones we learn and the ones we tell ourselves. This Sunday at LCUUF we will hear three separate stories from three of our Fellowship members, Anne Morris, Michael Swords and Jane Castleman. Each one will share their unique spiritual journey combining to provide our morning message, with Tim Boeve serving as Service Associate. We will hear what initiated these members onto a path that puts each one’s sense of spirituality as a focal point of their lives, and how it is that they became part of a UU congregation. In doing so the hope is that other members of the congregation in future services will be prompted to share a bit of their spiritual journey as well.

Global depopulation - Humanist Discussion LCUUF 20250123

LCUUF Streaming 01.22.25

In our January Unitarian Universalist (UU) humanist discussion, we will delve into the pressing challenges of global depopulation and replacement, exploring how technology and artificial intelligence (AI) might offer innovative solutions. The conversation will focus on the potential of AI to enhance societal resilience and address demographic shifts, while also considering the ethical implications of such technologies, including issues of equity and the preservation of human connections. ...

Behind the Scenes at LCUUF - 20250119

LCUUF Streaming 01.22.25

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh

Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi

Stories of Our Lives - LCUUF 20250112

LCUUF Streaming 01.14.25

Presenter: Ted Fahy, Service Associate: Priscilla Taylor
Each of us has endless and endlessly different stories about ourselves. Sunday’s service is an exploration of how our personal narratives are formed and reinforced, although they may bear little resemblance to the realities we have lived. It requires effort, open eyes, resilience, and humility to discover our untruths and to rescue ourselves from our myths while preserving our essential selves.

Rewriting the Stories of our Lives - LCUUF 20250105

LCUUF Streaming 01.07.25

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Presenter Elly Cantreras, Service Associate.
We all have stories about our lives. Some of these stories may be unconscious, they may be limiting, they may no longer be true, they may have never been true. Others may be invigorating, life affirming, hopeful, purposeful. But to make space for more stories like these, we may need to unearth and change or drop those limiting stories. We’ll explore how we might rewrite those stories. For this first Sunday of the year, we will have a boring bowl, in which we (ritually) let go of parts of our old stories that no longer serve us, so that we can begin to rewrite new stories.

Enter the Silence: Awaken the Spirit - LCUUF 20241229

LCUUF Streaming 12.30.24

Presenters: Rev. Tim Boeve, Rev. D’Vorah Kelley, Jane Castleman.

Join us for this Taize inspired contemplative service as we transition from 2024 to 2025. Through music, readings, and time for silent contemplation, we will Enter the Silence and Awaken the Spirit. Guest musician Areli Medeles (cello) will join our Music Director Michael Reason (piano) for classical music and chants. The service will include an explanation of Taize.

Dwelling in the Darkness - LCUUF 20241222

LCUUF Streaming 12.25.24

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Prenter
Carol Johnson, Service Associate

We have just experienced maximum darkness, with the Winter Solstice one day previous. While this is a season of light, in many traditions, what underlies that joy is the dark. Are we afraid of the dark? Do we avoid it? Or can we engage the darkness with the light?

What Does a Good Day Look Like? - LCUUF 20241215

LCUUF Streaming 12.18.24

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Presenter
Ted Fahy, Service Associate

Surgeon Atul Gawande is the writer of the book “Being Mortal.” He learned, he says, too late in his career as a physician, that the central question for his patients was “What Does a Good Day Look Like?” Not questions about fighting, or fixing, or when to give up. We’ll explore this question, “What Does a Good Day Look Like?,” not just in the context of end of life, but in the larger sense of how our good days define a good life.

The Virgin of Guadalupe, a Myth for our Time - LCUUF 20241208

LCUUF Streaming 12.12.24

Noris Binet, Presenter, Tim Boeve, Service Associate/
Ms. Noris Binet, a resident of Lakeside for the past six years (along with her husband Tim Boeve) and a graduate of the University of Guadalajara when in her twenties, in recognition of Mexico’s celebration on December 12, will bring a message centered around The Virgin of Guadalupe, whose apparition to Juan Diego first appeared on Dec. 12, 1531. Binet, a visual artist, writer, and spiritual teacher spent much of her life as a sociologist studying ancient cultures especially here in Mexico. Her talk will underscore the importance of myth — particularly the preeminent myth in Mexico of the Virgin of Guadalupe, in helping us reach our full potential as human beings, integrating both masculine and feminine qualities into our lives. The Virgin of Guadalupe provides one doorway for us to bring about this important transformation.

History of flow of information - Humanist discussion 20241128

LCUUF Streaming 12.06.24

In his new book NEXUS: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI, Harari looks through the long lens of human history to consider how the flow of information has shaped us, and our world. Taking us from the Stone Age, through the canonization of the Bible, early modern witch-hunts, Stalinism, Nazism, and the resurgence of populism today, Harari asks us to consider the complex relationship between information and truth, bureaucracy and mythology, wisdom and power. He explores how different societies and political systems throughout history have wielded information to achieve their goals, for good and ill. And he addresses the urgent choices we face as non-human intelligence threatens our very existence. ...

James Wells Celebration of life

LCUUF Streaming 12.02.24

At LCUUF, Dec 1, 2024 ...

James Wells - Celebration of life LCUUF 20241201

LCUUF Streaming 12.02.24


Coming into the Present Moment - LCUUF 20241201

LCUUF Streaming 12.02.24

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Service associate: Cate Howell.

The spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle wrote, “Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future, and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence.” We’ll explore this thing called ‘presence’, being in the present moment, how we might find it, and what might emerge from being more present.

LCUUF 20241124 Dave Ellison

LCUUF Streaming 11.26.24

Presentation at LCUUF on Core Values ...

Replacing Dogmas with Core Values - LCUUF 20241124

LCUUF Streaming 11.26.24

Presenter: David Elison, Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi.

Dave Ellison was a true-believer, accepting without question both Catholic and United States dogmas. His life experiences, however, as both a teacher and a traveler, led him to discard any and all prescribed notions, and to embrace stoic existentialism. Indeed, he finally recognized that beliefs matter far less than values–moral principles and goals–which guide his daily life. In this talk, Dave will briefly review his philosophical journey, and then focus on these values, and why he chose them; culminating with his current credo which embodies them.

During his thirty-six-year career, David Ellison was a teacher, mentor teacher, school administrator, education columnist and community activist. He worked in schools foreign and domestic, public and private, grades four through college. His treks through five continents included volunteering in far-flung villages, and surviving harrowing adventures.