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LCUUF Complete Playlist

Don Beaudreau - LCUUF 20240630 Prelude and postlude

LCUUF Streaming 06.30.24

Performed by Don Beaudreau ...

Quantum Universe – Part 2 - LCUUF 20240630

LCUUF Streaming 06.30.24

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh – Service Associate: Jane Castleman
We live in an enigmatic world, one that deep down, doesn’t make ‘common sense’ at all. Yet the physical evidence is sound – the world is ‘quantum’ in nature. It’s hard to make sense of, hard to describe (without advanced mathematics). But we can try. Starting with an historic and paradoxical experiment, we’ll explore just a little bit of this quantum universe, and consider a few of its implications. This is the second in a two-part series.

Are we truly alone? - LCUUF Humanist Discussion 20240626

LCUUF Streaming 06.26.24

Are we truly alone in this vast universe, or is intelligent extraterrestrial life out there waiting to be discovered? This discussion will delve into Fermi's paradox, the ongoing search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), the controversial subject of UFOs, and critically examine ancient alien theories and the pseudoscientific claims made to support them, contrasting them with the skeptical, evidence-based approach advocated by science. Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of one of humanity's most enduring questions.
Discussion moderated by Bob Koches.

If you want to be added to the reading list email Bob Koches at [email protected]

Quantum Universe – Part 1 - LCUUF 20240623

LCUUF Streaming 06.24.24

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh – Service Associate: Jane Castleman
We live in an enigmatic world, one that deep down, doesn’t make ‘common sense’ at all. Yet the physical evidence is sound – the world is ‘quantum’ in nature. It’s hard to make sense of, hard to describe (without advanced mathematics). But we can try. Starting with an historic and paradoxical experiment, we’ll explore just a little bit of this quantum universe, and consider a few of its implications. This is a two-part series.

Celebrating the Summer Solstice - LCUUF 20240616 final

LCUUF Streaming 06.17.24

Presenter: Dee Dee Camhi – Service Associate: Priscilla Taylor
The Summer Solstice is that time of year when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator. It has been marked as the high point of summer–or midsummer–since the Neolithic time. At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere points away from the sun, creating winter.

At our service, we will look at the various ways the Solstice has been celebrated around the world and incorporate a few of these traditions into our time together.

Dear One, part 2, by Michael Sword and Larry Phil final

LCUUF Streaming 06.11.24

A talk given at LCUUF, June 9, 2024 by Michael Sword and Larry Phil.
Based on this poem, by an unknown author
Dear One
The husks of knowledge serves its purpose in leading one to the core.
Come to me, do not fear, why do you still seek ways of coming to me;
when I am with you all along.
I speak to your soul, do you hear me?
Does your heart confirm my truth?
You have knowledge of this, but I must repeat until you know;
you are not separated from me.
You are a phase a center of my mind.
You cannot be separated from me, because I am your very life!
Be done with the thought of separateness forever.
Know that all along I simply have been teaching a phase of my own mortal self
its immortality through realization of me.
You do nothing that I have not in someway caused you to do.
I have given you your growth but not your personality as it so likes to think.
I am doing all always.
I am the only life.

Dear One: The Journey Continues - LCUUF 20240609

LCUUF Streaming 06.09.24

Presenter: Michael Swords, Service Associate: Larry Pihl
Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.

In Search of Awe - LCUUF 20240602

LCUUF Streaming 06.02.24

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi.
I’ve realized that I’ve lived my life, in part, to search for awe. My interest in science, nature, music, art, and in spiritual things may be driven by a yearning for awe. What is this emotion of awe about? It seems so fundamental to our nature. Why do we desire it? Can we have more of it?
Missed a bit of the service. The recording was late being turned on.

Tim Boeve Talk Settling the God Question, Maybe LCUUF 20240526 final

LCUUF Streaming 05.26.24

Presenter: Rev. Tim Boeve, LCUUF 20240526
The Rev. Tim Boeve addresses the topic, “Settling the God Question, Maybe.” Views on who God is and whether there even is one are myriad. Western civilization has come a long way from the universal Medieval view in a single, divine all-powerful being whether in Jewish, Christian, or Islamic garb. Ask anyone today what his or her belief is about God and you’re likely to hear descriptions that range from my Higher Power, Divine Energy, Ground of our Being, Nature, Creator, Heavenly Father, Constant Companion, Jehovah, etc. etc. For those who have not made up their minds, the question can be vexing to say the least. But maybe the most important thing to consider is what does how we answer this question about who we believe God to be (or not be) say about us? And what relevance does having a clear conviction on the matter have for us in today’s troubled world?

Settling the God Question, Maybe - LCUUF 20240526

LCUUF Streaming 05.26.24

Presenter: Rev. Tim Boeve, Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi.
The Rev. Tim Boeve addresses the topic, “Settling the God Question, Maybe.” Views on who God is and whether there even is one are myriad. Western civilization has come a long way from the universal Medieval view in a single, divine all-powerful being whether in Jewish, Christian, or Islamic garb. Ask anyone today what his or her belief is about God and you’re likely to hear descriptions that range from my Higher Power, Divine Energy, Ground of our Being, Nature, Creator, Heavenly Father, Constant Companion, Jehovah, etc. etc. For those who have not made up their minds, the question can be vexing to say the least. But maybe the most important thing to consider is what does how we answer this question about who we believe God to be (or not be) say about us? And what relevance does having a clear conviction on the matter have for us in today’s troubled world?

AI and warfare - Humanist discussion May 23 2024

LCUUF Streaming 05.22.24

Moderated by Bob Koches.
As artificial intelligence continues to advance rapidly, its potential applications in military affairs become increasingly concerning from an ethical and humanitarian perspective. The development of autonomous weapon systems, AI-powered surveillance and targeting, and the automation of many warfighting functions could lead to a future of warfare that is more impersonal, unpredictable, and potentially more devastating to human life. At the same time, AI-enabled technologies may also have the potential to reduce military casualties and collateral damage through improved decision-making, risk assessment, and precision. However, this raises complex moral and legal questions about the appropriate role of machines in the use of lethal force. Ultimately, the intersection of AI and warfare will be a critical issue shaping the future of global security and conflict.

Earth Heal Us - LCUUF 20240519

LCUUF Streaming 05.19.24

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alsbaugh, Service Associate: June Wilson.
We live in a time of existential despair over climate change and other harms to the earth. We are saddened that so many deny the existence of these harms and even double down on increasing such harms. We can easily get frozen in such despair. How do we avoid allowing such despair lead us into inaction? How do we reclaim that mutual relationship with the earth that our ancestors knew?

Embracing Oneness Unitarian-Universalism from viewpoint of Emerson, Thoreau and Ramana Maharshi

LCUUF Streaming 05.13.24

Talk given by Richard Clarke and Carol Johnson at Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on May 12, 2024.
At the Heart of UU ideas are writings of transcendentalists like Emerson and Thoreau. Their ideas have deep connection to what was taught by Ramana Maharshi. These ideas are compared and contrasted in this talk.

Embracing Oneness - LCUUF 20240512

LCUUF Streaming 05.12.24

Richard Clarke and Carol Johnson explore explores the ideas of unity and interconnectedness through the eyes of Ramana Maharshi, Emerson and Thoreau. ...

LCUUF presentation Unitarian Universalists

LCUUF Streaming 05.08.24

Presented on May 8, 2024 to a mixed audience of St. Andrews Anglican and of LCUUF members, ...

Fernanda Parra - I will survive

LCUUF Streaming 05.05.24

LCUUF 20240505 ...

Fernanda Parra - Yesterday

LCUUF Streaming 05.05.24

LCUUF 20240505 ...

A Sense of Place - LCUUF 20240505

LCUUF Streaming 05.05.24

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Service Associate: D'Vorah Kelley.
There is a sense of rootedness, a sense of place, the interdependence we have with the people and things that are local, directly around us. Yet we live in a global world, easily connecting us with people and things far away. How does this sort of rootedness relate to our global world, and all the choices that globalization brings us? Further, most of us in this congregation are migrants, scatterlings, here by choice. Consequently our relationship with this chosen place is different. We may even be seen as ‘strangers in a strange land’. Can we establish a sense of place in a new place?

Anglican presentation May 1 2024 final

LCUUF Streaming 05.01.24


Loretta Downs LCUUF 20240428

LCUUF Streaming 04.29.24

Loretta Downes talks about planning for emergencies and death, the forms and documents which are needed and other helpful information. ...