Jewish High Holidays

This service will be a combined UU/Jewish Chavarah presentation to celebrate the Jewish High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Bryan Kaplan, Dee Dee Camhi, and numerous participants from the Chavarah will present the service. In an hour and a half, Chavurah Chapala and the Unitarian Fellowship take us from Erev Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, using the iconic liturgy and music to help us individually and as a community as we recognize and forgive our shortcomings and, listening to the still small voice within, become at one with ourselves, each other and the universe in order to face whatever the new year brings. Whether you’ve attended High Holiday services for years or are experiencing them for the first time, we hope you will understand and connect to them in a new and profound way.

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