Archives: Services

Getting Out of Our Heads

Writer and contemplative Richard Rohr has said “the key to a healthy spiritual life is getting out of the top three inches of our body.” This is the essence of embodied spirituality. In this service, we explore finding balance by getting out of our heads and into our bodies, all the while not leaving our … Continue reading Getting Out of Our Heads

Il Dolce Far Niente (The Sweetness of Doing Nothing)

Bob Koches will explore the Southern Italian concept and how it lead to the Slow Movement. As UUs we all need to take a break, slow down, take care of ourselves and enjoy being in the moment .– Kathy Koches will be the Service Associate.


The poet and philosopher David Whyte suggests that we can choose to be vulnerable, and from that courageous and compassionate, we can inhabit the place of vulnerability as a citizen of loss. We can do this in opposition to being defended, reluctant, and isolated, unwilling to risk ourselves. In this service, we’ll explore what it … Continue reading Vulnerability

Celebrating Women Through Music and Words

Women’s History Month is celebrated during March in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, corresponding with International Women’s Day on March 8, and during October in Canada, corresponding with the celebration of Persons Day on October 18. This service will celebrate Women in word and song, with a focus on UU women’s history … Continue reading Celebrating Women Through Music and Words

The Path of Love

Since 2009, Unitarian Universalists have gathered at social justice events in their bright yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” T-shirts, and over time, we’ve become known as “The Love People.” The Love People is a good description for us, for a key part of our theology is love. We’ll consider how love in all … Continue reading The Path of Love

Cathedral of the World

The Cathedral of the World is a metaphor for the religions of the world, a great hall with numerous rooms and chapels, created by the various religions and faiths of the world. How might we wander through such an edifice, and engage with what we find within? Rev. Matt Alspaugh is the speaker and Annie … Continue reading Cathedral of the World

Think Outside Your Culture

Member Cat Barnett will talk about what culture is and how it influences our thinking and our actions. Barley Donahue will be the Service Leader