Archives: Services


After the holidays is a good time to reflect on all we are grateful for. Dee Dee Camhi will speak about gratitude. Carol Johnson will be the service leader.

Christmas: It’s Not Just for Christians

Christians were newcomers to the early winter/solstice celebrations 2022 years ago and look what has happened since. This Christmas day service will look at the history and myths behind “the reason for the season”. And, we will also learn about how the Unitarians saved Christmas and share stories about traditional Christmas songs written and inspired … Continue reading Christmas: It’s Not Just for Christians

Celebrating the Holidays With Music

Join us for a service celebrating the Christmas season presented by LCUUF Music Director Michael Reason. This will be a musical mix of everyone’s holiday favorites along with special readings and some holiday humor. Richard Clarke will be the service leader.

Enjoy the Journey

Susie Wagner, long-time member, will speak to us about aging without getting old. She will give us the benefit of her 86 years of wisdom and experience and challenge us to see ourselves in a new light. The Service Leader will be Kathy Koches.

We Won’t Be One: Schismogenesis and Human Nature

One of our favorite hymns speaks to one of our deep desires as Unitarian Universalists.- “We Would be One”. Our Lake Chapala congregation holds the idea one oneness as a core theological value. Yet as humans, we like to divide up in to self, in-groups and out-groups, amigo and enimigo (friend and enemy.) Schismogenesis means … Continue reading We Won’t Be One: Schismogenesis and Human Nature


Rev. Don Beaudreau will be our speaker. Don is a retired UU minister who has lived with his husband Juan at Lakeside for 10 years. They share their home with 7 dogs, 2 cats, a snowy-white lab mouse named “Algodon” (“Cotton”), and with whatever cow, horse, turtle, dove, snake, etc. that passes by their front … Continue reading LESSONS FROM THE CRITTERS

Remembrance – Day of the Dead

On this Day of the Dead we not only remember those who have passed away, but also those who have made an impression on us and changed our lives. Bob Koches will be the speaker and Kathy Koches will be the service leader.