Archives: Services

What Values Do Unitarian Universalism and Democrats Abroad Share?

The 5th Principle of UU is the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within congregations and in society at large. UU and Democrats Abroad both share the goal of supporting a vibrant US democracy. Larry Pihl and Terry Rossen, both members of DA will present. Dee Dee Camhi is the service … Continue reading What Values Do Unitarian Universalism and Democrats Abroad Share?

Meditations on Beauty

We all have a sense of beautiful things when we encounter them, and they can carry us away into profound emotion, even move us to tears. Is beauty inherent in the world? Or is beauty simply “in the eye of the beholder?” Or is beauty a cultural thing, something we learn as we move through … Continue reading Meditations on Beauty

Flower Communion

The Flower Communion is a celebration of the beauty of the world around us, of its diversity, and of the diversity of each of us. If possible, please bring a flower from your garden, vase, or the roadside to the service. If you are planning to join on Zoom, please send a picture of yourself … Continue reading Flower Communion

History of Unitarianism in North America

The term “Unitarian” first appeared as ”unitaria religio” in a document of the Diet of Lécfalva, Transylvania on 25 October 1600, though it was not widely used in Transylvania until 1638. Unitarianism, both as a theology and as a denominational family of churches, was defined and developed in Poland, Transylvania, England, Wales, India, Japan, Jamaica, … Continue reading History of Unitarianism in North America

Easter Awakening

On Easter morning, we consider a take on the Easter story as one of awakening. What does the mythology of Jesus’ awakening mean for us? Perhaps we are called to see and care for one another in a new way. With Earth Day coming a few days after this service, perhaps we consider awakening to … Continue reading Easter Awakening

Finding Civic Space in Community

This service will look at community outreach and development. We will be challenged to look past our own perceptions of people’s poverty and rather challenge ourselves to come in with a listening pose. What do we hear? What are people talking about? What do they value? This process gives us the ability to appreciate history, … Continue reading Finding Civic Space in Community