Archives: Services

Who are UUs?

Susan Miller will share information from the UUA and other sources about the people who are UUs, the places they worship and how their numbers have changed over the years. The service leader is Cat Barnett.

A Melody for Change

Music reflects society, but music can also be a catalyst for change Michael Reason’s multi-media presentation will show how music in the 20th and 21st centuries created social and political commentary and became a global force for change. Dee Dee Camhi is the service leader.

Every Person Counts

Inequality is rising in many if not most countries in the world. One of the apologies for inequality is rising meritocracy, the idea that that people should be rewarded with wealth and power based on their talent and achievement. While this might be desirable for overall economic efficiency, meritocracy leaves many people behind. Of course, … Continue reading Every Person Counts

Ageing Gracefully

Loretta Downs is a Lakeside resident with a Master’s Degree in gerontology. She is a past president of the Chicago End-of-Life Care Coalition and a Certified Senior Advisor. She will be speaking about adjusting to the health challenges, vulnerabilities and loss of independence that many people experience as they age. Cat Barnett will be the … Continue reading Ageing Gracefully


The Jewish Passover holiday starts on sundown Friday evening, March 27, and continues for a week. The holiday celebrates the escape of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Thus this holiday is about freedom from oppression, touching larger themes of justice and fairness for all. Rev. Matt Alspaugh is the speaker and Dee Dee … Continue reading Passover

In Celebration of Spring

During this time of uncertainty and differences, some things do not change. On March 20, the Spring Equinox will come and bring a balance of night and day. Esther Jones, Fred Koesling, Fred Harland, and Bob Koches will provide us insight into the celebration of spring. Kaya Reed will be service leader.

One Year In

On March 15, 2020, the Fellowship canceled its service due to COVID-19 concerns. We have met online since. Every aspect of our community has been touched by the pandemic. We’ll take stock of where we are, one year in, and attempt to foresee what the coming months may be like. Rev. Matt Alspaugh will give … Continue reading One Year In