Archives: Services

Water Communion

The Water Communion is a Unitarian Universalist tradition originating some forty years ago at a Woman and Religion Conference, which focused on empowering women in the UU movement. The Water Communion has evolved into an ingathering ritual as people return from summer travel and the church year starts. That ‘church year’ cycle doesn’t really fit … Continue reading Water Communion

How we have been incorporated as Individuals?

This service is based on American media theorist, writer, columnist and lecturer Douglas Rushkoff´s book ¨Life Inc.¨ It traces how corporations went from being legal fictions to being the dominant fact of contemporary life. The result, corporatism, has infiltrated all aspects of civics, commerce, and our culture, from the first chartered monopolies to the branding … Continue reading How we have been incorporated as Individuals?

Food Scarcity: What Does it Mean and How Two Local Non-Profits are Making a Difference

Food scarcity has been a global problem for generations both globally and locally. This service will examine what it means and how it affects communities globally and more important, locally. Mark Rochon and Robyn Puntch from Foodbank Lakeside and Janine Kirkland and Augustin Vazquez Calvario from Operation Feed will join us to present information about … Continue reading Food Scarcity: What Does it Mean and How Two Local Non-Profits are Making a Difference

Can cities save us?

Right now, about 5% of the earth’s land surface is consumed by cities, which are where a little over half of the world’s people live. The UN predicts that by 2050, over two-thirds of people will live in cities, that is to say, nearly 7 billion of almost 10 billion total people will live in … Continue reading Can cities save us?

Seaside Sustainability

Eric Magers, the son of Dee Dee Camhi, has founded two organizations. Seaside Sustainability is a non-profit located in Gloucester, Massachusetts, dedicated to cleaning up the oceans. The National Stem Honor Society is a national honor society for students from kindergarten through university who have demonstrated significant interest im STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and … Continue reading Seaside Sustainability

Flower Communion 2021

The Flower Communion is an annual springtime celebration in most Unitarian Universalist congregations, celebrating the beauty of diversity. Traditionally each person brings a flower, preferably found in their own garden or by the roadside, and each person leaves with a different flower. We’ll ‘pass the flowers’ in a different way, appropriate for a mixed service, … Continue reading Flower Communion 2021