Archives: Services

Eternity is a Very Long Time, Especially Toward the End

We’ve all encountered the idea of ‘eternity’ or ‘eternal life’ offered as words of comfort, typically at funerals or memorial services. But what is eternity anyway? Would eternal life be all that great? We’ll explore various religious concepts of eternity, as well as what science has to say about time and eternity. Rev. Matt Alspaugh … Continue reading Eternity is a Very Long Time, Especially Toward the End

Black History, Black Lives

With voices from Unitarian Universalism’s past and present, we lift up stories of struggle, courage, redemption, and hope: stories that challenge us to create community “where all souls are welcome as blessings, and the human family lives whole and reconciled.”

Great Expectations and Not-So-Great Expectations”

In Dickensian England, the phrase “having expectations” meant you expected to inherit wealth upon the death of a relative. Which seems both crass and morbid to us. But what do we mean by expectation? What happens when we expect too much? Or too little? We’ll explore how our mindsets about expectation can guide us or … Continue reading Great Expectations and Not-So-Great Expectations”

Following Buggies While Changing the World

Historically, at least since the merger of the Unitarians and the Universalists, Unitarian Universalism as a denomination has been quite small—maybe 200,000 members–with little to no rate of growth in over 50 years. To be truthful, we’re smaller than the Amish! However our denomination’s impact on social and economic justice, environmental regulation, racial justice and … Continue reading Following Buggies While Changing the World

A New Member’s Remarkable Personal Journey

New member Sharon Robinson shares her story of overcoming major obstacles in her life to find her way to the Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Attracted by the truth of the seven UU principles, Sharon offers hope for those seeking to transcend life’s hardships. The Service Leader is Carol Johnson.

Il Dolce Far Niente (The Sweetness of Doing Nothing)

Bob Koches will explore the Southern Italian concept and how it lead to the Slow Movement. As UUs we all need to take a break, slow down, take care of ourselves and enjoy being in the moment. Kathy Koches is the Service Associate.