Archives: Services

Earth Heal Us

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh We live in a time of existential despair over climate change and other harms to the earth. We are saddened that so many deny the existence of these harms and even double down on increasing such harms. We can easily get frozen in such despair. How do we avoid allowing such … Continue reading Earth Heal Us

In Search of Awe

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associate: Annie Morris I’ve realized that I’ve lived my life, in part, to search for awe. My interest in science, nature, music, art, and in spiritual things may be driven by a yearning for awe. What is this emotion of awe about? It seems so fundamental to our nature. Why … Continue reading In Search of Awe

“Stories of Our Lives”

Presenter: Ted Fahy Service Associate: Priscilla Taylor Each of us has endless and endlessly different stories about ourselves.  Sunday’s service is an exploration of how our personal narratives are formed and reinforced, although they may bear little resemblance to the realities we have lived.  It requires effort, open eyes, resilience, and humility to discover our … Continue reading “Stories of Our Lives”

Dear One: The Journey Continues

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: Larry Pihl Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem  called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.

Presenter: Kari Higgins, Francisco Nava, and Doris Wakeman Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi A presentation by Poco a Poco, a local organization that helps the people in the communities east of Chapala. They will talk about all the things they do and the communities they serve.