Archives: Services

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Presenter: Dee Dee Camhi – Service Associate: Priscilla Taylor The Summer Solstice is that time of year when the sun is at its furthest point from the equator.  It has been marked as the high point of summer–or midsummer–since the Neolithic time.  At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere points away from the sun, creating … Continue reading Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Dear One: The Journey Continues

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: Larry Pihl Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem  called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.

In Search of Awe

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associate: Annie Morris I’ve realized that I’ve lived my life, in part, to search for awe. My interest in science, nature, music, art, and in spiritual things may be driven by a yearning for awe. What is this emotion of awe about? It seems so fundamental to our nature. Why … Continue reading In Search of Awe

Earth Heal Us

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alsbaugh Service Associate: June Wilson We live in a time of existential despair over climate change and other harms to the earth. We are saddened that so many deny the existence of these harms and even double down on increasing such harms. We can easily get frozen in such despair. How do … Continue reading Earth Heal Us

“Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Join us as Richard Clarke explores the ideas of unity and interconnectedness through the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, a revered sage of the 20th century and Unitarian-Universalist eyes. Discover profound parallels between Universalism, Unitarianism, and Advaita Vedanta in this special talk. Much of Ramana’s teaching aligns with … Continue reading “Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

A Sense of Place

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh There is a sense of rootedness, a sense of place, the interdependence we have with the people and things that are local, directly around us. Yet we live in a global world, easily connecting us with people and things far away. How does this sort of rootedness relate to our global … Continue reading A Sense of Place

Preparing for the Unexpected

Presenters: Loretta Downs and Catherine Luria Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi Emergencies of many types can surprise us. Loretta Downes will talk about planning for emergencies and death, the forms and documents which are needed and other helpful information.

System Science, Love, & the Interconnected Web of Existence

Presenter: Bob Koches Service Associate: Jane Castleman Taking a holistic approach, this UU sermon challenges our traditional ways of thinking and explores the 7th UU principle and love, through the interconnected lenses of system science, gestalt thinking, and the Japanese concept of finding your purpose, known as ikigai. We’ll explore how these ideas can create a … Continue reading System Science, Love, & the Interconnected Web of Existence