Archives: Services

“Building The Beloved Community”

Presenter: Al Castleman Service Associate: Lynn Cleek The term “beloved community” was popularized by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in the context of the civil rights movement.  It describes a community characterized by love, compassion, justice, and mutual support among its members, and emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and a commitment to the well-being of … Continue reading “Building The Beloved Community”

Loss and Lonliness

Presenters: Bob Koches and Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associates: Jane Castleman and Christy Caldwell How to handle loss, loneliness and grief with the celebration of the day of the dead., and what we can learn from our Mexican neighbors.

“Who are We? Our Unitarian Universalist Heritage”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterJune Wilson and Susie Lindeman, Service Associates Who are we, as Unitarian Universalists? What do you say when someone says “You are a Unitarian Universalist? What is that?” Some folks assume we’re some new-age religion, founded in the 1960’s. Others think we’re really some kind of leftist political party disguised as a … Continue reading “Who are We? Our Unitarian Universalist Heritage”

Poco a Poco Organization Presentation

Presenters: Kari Higgins, Francisco Nava, and Doris Wakeman Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi A presentation by Poco a Poco, a local organization that helps the people in the communities east of Chapala, about all the things they do and the communities they serve.

“Animal Blessings”

Presenter: Barley Donahue Service Associate: Jane Castleman We will focus on our connections with beloved pets, with animals in nature around us, with all the animals of the interdependent web and join in blessing their lives. Reverend Matt Alspaugh will offer blessing words to members of our fellowship and their loved their animal companions as … Continue reading “Animal Blessings”

“Dear One”

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: D’Vorah Kelley Michael will be sharing an experience he had of the Divine while hiking many years ago. The words of “Dear One” have been a lifeline that continues to inspire him. This is Michael’s story of his search for truth and meaning, an exploration and celebration of a theology … Continue reading “Dear One”


Robert Barnett: Presenter Dee Dee Camhi: Service Associate Can we still have Hope that things will be better in the future? Hope is the belief that the future will be better and you have the power to make it so. We’ll examine some research about what hope is and how to increase it.


Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Presenter Rena Swan, Service Associate While minimalism developed as a style of art and architecture, it has been extended to a lifestyle. This form of minimalism focuses on identifying what is essential in your life and eliminating that which is non-essential. However, life is more complex than this, and many people have … Continue reading Minimlism

“911 Remembered”

Presenter: Bethany Anne Putnam Service Associate: D’Vorah Kelley Twenty-two years ago, Bethany was the foremost expert on domestic disaster relief and volunteer coordination within the Episcopal Church. Her experience and training led to being hired immediately following 9/11, as the Disaster Director of St. Paul’s Chapel at Ground Zero in New York City. Bethany will … Continue reading “911 Remembered”

“The Best, Like Water”

Rev. Matt AlspaughSusie Lindeman and Jane Castleman, Service Associates “The Best,” a verse from the Taoist foundational book the Tao-Te-Ching, begins with the line “The best, like water, benefit all and do not compete.” We use this verse as a theme for several short reflections on water and life. We will also celebrate our water … Continue reading “The Best, Like Water”