Archives: Services

The Path of Love

Since 2009, Unitarian Universalists have gathered at social justice events in their bright yellow “Standing on the Side of Love” T-shirts, and over time, we’ve become known as “The Love People.” The Love People is a good description for us, for a key part of our theology is love. We’ll consider how love in all … Continue reading The Path of Love

Cathedral of the World

The Cathedral of the World is a metaphor for the religions of the world, a great hall with numerous rooms and chapels, created by the various religions and faiths of the world. How might we wander through such an edifice, and engage with what we find within? Rev. Matt Alspaugh is the speaker and Annie … Continue reading Cathedral of the World

Think Outside Your Culture

Member Cat Barnett will talk about what culture is and how it influences our thinking and our actions. Barley Donahue will be the Service Leader

Finding Our Center

Various spiritual and religious traditions speak of finding our center, though the language differs. It may be a sankalpa, connecting with the highest truth, listening to the still, small voice within. It may lead to following your calling, to living a purpose-driven life, finding refuge in the dharma. According to most traditions, finding our center … Continue reading Finding Our Center


After the holidays is a good time to reflect on all we are grateful for. Dee Dee Camhi will speak about gratitude. Carol Johnson will be the service leader.

Christmas: It’s Not Just for Christians

Christians were newcomers to the early winter/solstice celebrations 2022 years ago and look what has happened since. This Christmas day service will look at the history and myths behind “the reason for the season”. And, we will also learn about how the Unitarians saved Christmas and share stories about traditional Christmas songs written and inspired … Continue reading Christmas: It’s Not Just for Christians