Archives: Services

“Ban Guns, Not Books”

Presenter: Sue Kelley  Service Associate: Lynn Cleek Do you know what The Hand maidens Tale, The Bluest Eye and Tango Makes Three have in common? They are all banned books. Sunday, July 30th we discuss the origins of banned books, why some want them banned, what books are banned and what you can do about it. … Continue reading “Ban Guns, Not Books”

God Wants You To Be Rich

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, Presenter Mario Pardillo, Service Associate Prosperity Gospel is the idea that God rewards the faithful with material and physical well-being,  especially financial success. It’s an idea that developed mostly in the United States, aligning well with American ideas of individualism and materialism. We’ll look for early Unitarian connections with prosperity gospel, and … Continue reading God Wants You To Be Rich

The Relationship Between Mind and Consciousness

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson We all know consciousness; it pervades us, and we experience it every moment. But what is consciousness? Physicists these days talk about “The hard problem of consciousness.” Maybe the physicist’s problem comes from their assumption that consciousness emerges from matter. Richard Clarke talks about this from the ancient … Continue reading The Relationship Between Mind and Consciousness

“Back to the Roots”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterCatherine Luria, Service Associate Many Christians talk about getting back to ‘the religion of Jesus’ (which would really be Judaism) or at least the religion of the early church. We’ll examine what early Christianity might have looked like (warning: it’s more radical than you’d expect!) Why did Christianity change? How might those … Continue reading “Back to the Roots”

“BRAVADOS” – Book Launch

Prepare to be captivated by candid and deeply personal readings by four members of the Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship community who have contributed to the anticipated publication of BRAVADOS, an anthology of narratives by 21 authors, all of whom live in the Lake Chapala area. Their stories should open your eyes to the benefits … Continue reading “BRAVADOS” – Book Launch

All Our Births and Deaths

Presenter: Dave MacMillian Service Associate: Pam Cucinell Rites of passage signal a readiness to pass from one life stage to the next: baptisms, bar mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, preparing for death and finally the ultimate passage into death itself. Rites can also mark other passages: to conceive or to abort a child; to take one job … Continue reading All Our Births and Deaths

Flower Communion

The Flower Ceremony is a celebration of the beauty and diversity of the world around us and the beauty and diversity among the people around us. 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of this UU celebration.

“Flashes of Delight”

Rev. Matt AlspaughMichael Swords, Service Associate Oftentimes life offers up little gifts of joy and delight, sometimes unexpected, even intense, oftentimes brief, though the warm memory of such gifts lingers. Like a gemstone we hold up to sunlight, the delight sparkles in unexpected patterns. Delight is rarely something that we can make happen, beyond our … Continue reading “Flashes of Delight”