Speaker: Kriss Gang

Christmas: It’s Not Just for Christians

Christians were newcomers to the early winter/solstice celebrations 2022 years ago and look what has happened since. This Christmas day service will look at the history and myths behind “the reason for the season”. And, we will also learn about how the Unitarians saved Christmas and share stories about traditional Christmas songs written and inspired … Continue reading Christmas: It’s Not Just for Christians

UU Resistance

Unitarians and Universalists have traditionally led the charge for social change resisting unjust, cruel and morally reprehensible social norms like slavery, war, denial of human rights, minority oppression and religious zealotry. This Sunday ́s service will highlight Unitarian Universalist “Resistance” since the two denominations merged in 1961, focusing on our role in the civil rights … Continue reading UU Resistance

History of Unitarianism in North America

The term “Unitarian” first appeared as ”unitaria religio” in a document of the Diet of Lécfalva, Transylvania on 25 October 1600, though it was not widely used in Transylvania until 1638. Unitarianism, both as a theology and as a denominational family of churches, was defined and developed in Poland, Transylvania, England, Wales, India, Japan, Jamaica, … Continue reading History of Unitarianism in North America

How we have been incorporated as Individuals?

This service is based on American media theorist, writer, columnist and lecturer Douglas Rushkoff´s book ¨Life Inc.¨ It traces how corporations went from being legal fictions to being the dominant fact of contemporary life. The result, corporatism, has infiltrated all aspects of civics, commerce, and our culture, from the first chartered monopolies to the branding … Continue reading How we have been incorporated as Individuals?

Food Scarcity: What Does it Mean and How Two Local Non-Profits are Making a Difference

Food scarcity has been a global problem for generations both globally and locally. This service will examine what it means and how it affects communities globally and more important, locally. Mark Rochon and Robyn Puntch from Foodbank Lakeside and Janine Kirkland and Augustin Vazquez Calvario from Operation Feed will join us to present information about … Continue reading Food Scarcity: What Does it Mean and How Two Local Non-Profits are Making a Difference

Following Buggies While Changing the World

Historically, at least since the merger of the Unitarians and the Universalists, Unitarian Universalism as a denomination has been quite small—maybe 200,000 members–with little to no rate of growth in over 50 years. To be truthful, we’re smaller than the Amish! However our denomination’s impact on social and economic justice, environmental regulation, racial justice and … Continue reading Following Buggies While Changing the World