Speaker: Rev Matt Alspaugh


The Jewish Passover holiday starts on sundown Friday evening, March 27, and continues for a week. The holiday celebrates the escape of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Thus this holiday is about freedom from oppression, touching larger themes of justice and fairness for all. Rev. Matt Alspaugh is the speaker and Dee Dee … Continue reading Passover

One Year In

On March 15, 2020, the Fellowship canceled its service due to COVID-19 concerns. We have met online since. Every aspect of our community has been touched by the pandemic. We’ll take stock of where we are, one year in, and attempt to foresee what the coming months may be like. Rev. Matt Alspaugh will give … Continue reading One Year In

Eternity is a Very Long Time, Especially Toward the End

We’ve all encountered the idea of ‘eternity’ or ‘eternal life’ offered as words of comfort, typically at funerals or memorial services. But what is eternity anyway? Would eternal life be all that great? We’ll explore various religious concepts of eternity, as well as what science has to say about time and eternity. Rev. Matt Alspaugh … Continue reading Eternity is a Very Long Time, Especially Toward the End

Great Expectations and Not-So-Great Expectations”

In Dickensian England, the phrase “having expectations” meant you expected to inherit wealth upon the death of a relative. Which seems both crass and morbid to us. But what do we mean by expectation? What happens when we expect too much? Or too little? We’ll explore how our mindsets about expectation can guide us or … Continue reading Great Expectations and Not-So-Great Expectations”

Following Buggies While Changing the World

Historically, at least since the merger of the Unitarians and the Universalists, Unitarian Universalism as a denomination has been quite small—maybe 200,000 members–with little to no rate of growth in over 50 years. To be truthful, we’re smaller than the Amish! However our denomination’s impact on social and economic justice, environmental regulation, racial justice and … Continue reading Following Buggies While Changing the World