Topic: Community


The poet and philosopher David Whyte suggests that we can choose to be vulnerable, and from that courageous and compassionate, we can inhabit the place of vulnerability as a citizen of loss. We can do this in opposition to being defended, reluctant, and isolated, unwilling to risk ourselves. In this service, we’ll explore what it … Continue reading Vulnerability


Although western culture reveres the idea of the rugged individualist, the reality is that we all depend on our groups to survive and thrive. It is our belonging to families, communities, nations, and ultimately the world that makes life worthwhile. What and to whom do we belong, and why? We’ll explore the nature of belonging, … Continue reading Belonging

Finding Civic Space in Community

This service will look at community outreach and development. We will be challenged to look past our own perceptions of people’s poverty and rather challenge ourselves to come in with a listening pose. What do we hear? What are people talking about? What do they value? This process gives us the ability to appreciate history, … Continue reading Finding Civic Space in Community

Building the Beloved Community: One Drop at a Time – Zoom Only

Our goal is to create a beloved community, and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr ~ “The Beloved Community” is a term that was first coined in the early days of the 20th century by the philosopher-theologian Josiah Royce, who … Continue reading Building the Beloved Community: One Drop at a Time – Zoom Only