Topic: Faith

Dear One: The Journey Continues

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: Larry Pihl Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem  called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.

“Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Join us as Richard Clarke explores the ideas of unity and interconnectedness through the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, a revered sage of the 20th century and Unitarian-Universalist eyes. Discover profound parallels between Universalism, Unitarianism, and Advaita Vedanta in this special talk. Much of Ramana’s teaching aligns with … Continue reading “Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

Do Unitarian Universalists Pray?

Presenters: Rev. D’Vorah Kelley and Kathy Varty As Unitarian Universalists we often come together to explore various spiritual practices. In this service we will explore the many facets of prayer, while recognizing the diversity of beliefs within our community. We will create sacred space where we can reflect, connect, and find inspiration. about why and … Continue reading Do Unitarian Universalists Pray?

“Spaciousness of Belief”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterDee Dee Camhi, Service Associate What attracts so many of us Unitarian Universalism in the first place, and why we stay, is that the UU tradition allow a wide latitude for spiritual belief and practice, and the tradition encourages wide and deep spiritual exploration. How did we come to value freedom of … Continue reading “Spaciousness of Belief”

“A Larger Love”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterD’Vorah Kelley, Service Associate It’s a few days before Valentine’s Day, which for most of us folks from the north is a celebration of romantic love. Here in Mexico, Valentine’s Day is much broader, a celebration of familial love, and love for friends, a larger love. In this service, we will consider … Continue reading “A Larger Love”

“Animal Blessings”

Presenter: Barley Donahue Service Associate: Jane Castleman We will focus on our connections with beloved pets, with animals in nature around us, with all the animals of the interdependent web and join in blessing their lives. Reverend Matt Alspaugh will offer blessing words to members of our fellowship and their loved their animal companions as … Continue reading “Animal Blessings”

“Dear One”

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: D’Vorah Kelley Michael will be sharing an experience he had of the Divine while hiking many years ago. The words of “Dear One” have been a lifeline that continues to inspire him. This is Michael’s story of his search for truth and meaning, an exploration and celebration of a theology … Continue reading “Dear One”