Topic: Faith

“Everything is a Holy Miracle”

Presenter:  Rev. D’Vorah Kelley Guest Speaker: Anrea Sandler Service Associate: Sandy Wallin “The challenging thing becomes, not to look for miracles, but finding where there isn’t one.”  These words from “Everything is Holy Now” by Peter Mayer, who plays in Unitarian churches, offering up his non-religious spirituality through consistently compelling song.  This song is the … Continue reading “Everything is a Holy Miracle”

Three Stories

Presenters: Jane Castleman, Michael Swords, Annie Morris Service Associate: Tim Boeve Stories are an important part of life, enriching us and providing meaning. We live by our stories, the ones we learn and the ones we tell ourselves. This Sunday at LCUUF we will hear three separate stories from three of our Fellowship members, Anne … Continue reading Three Stories

“Our Four Brains”

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Explore the fascinating concept of “Our Four Brains.” In this enlightening talk inspired by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Richard Clarke will dive into how each brain—split between our hemispheres and old and new brain structures—has distinct capabilities and personalities. Discover insights into how these four brains shape our … Continue reading “Our Four Brains”

“Writing from the Heart”

Presenter: Janice Kimball Service Associate: Carol Johnson Janice Kimball, author of numerous books and articles, will speak to us about the profoundly meaningful exercise of writing to discover the wholeness of who and what we are. Whether we write to communicate to others, or just to more deeply understand our own history and experiences, we … Continue reading “Writing from the Heart”

“The Blessings of Abundance”

Presenter: Dee Dee Camhi Service Associate: Priscilla Taylor Are we living in a world of scarcity? Too many people living today have this mindset–the apocryphal view that the world is changing—but for the worst. Look at all the negative forces occurring in the world. But also look at all that is positive in the world. … Continue reading “The Blessings of Abundance”

Let It Be A Dance

Presenters: Barley Donahue and Susie Linderman We will explore why dance is important to all beings. We will be exposed to NIA, from instructor Susan Mitchie Maitlin. NIA is a form of dance that includes martial arts and fluid movement. We will join together and play percussion instruments. The lead singer of Mary’s Island, Fer … Continue reading Let It Be A Dance