Topic: Faith

Original Blessing

Richard Rohr, a Christian theologian, calls out conventional Christianity on its attachment to ‘original sin’ versus an alternative concept of ‘original blessing.’ He notes that “the words ‘original sin’ are not in the New Testament. Yet the Church became so preoccupied with the fly in the ointment, the flaw in the beauty that we forgot … Continue reading Original Blessing

The Four Yogas – A Unified Theory of Religion

Thousands of years ago, Indians defined four different spiritual paths, different approaches to getting closer to a higher power. These paths are action, devotion, meditation, and knowledge. These same paths are found in religions all around the world. They are found within UU, too. In fact, they were a major influence on Unitarian transcendentalists, like … Continue reading The Four Yogas – A Unified Theory of Religion

Faith, Trust & Doubt

Faith is a complex topic for us Unitarian Universalists. We don’t trust the blind faith that some other religious traditions. We are uncomfortable being told to ‘just believe.’ Yet, over time, many of us have developed an abiding faith, maybe better, enduring trust, in our answers to the deep questions of life. In this service, … Continue reading Faith, Trust & Doubt

Dear One: The Journey Continues

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: Larry Pihl Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem  called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.