Topic: Gratitude

Like hope, trust, and love, gratitude is both a feeling and a spiritual practice. W. H. Auden once wrote that on the dull days of life, we must practice our “scales of rejoicing.” A musician practices scales for many lonely hours so that when it comes time to perform, the music will flow naturally from the fingers. Likewise, we can make a practice of our gratitude that will sustain us in both the wonderful and difficult times of our lives.

“The Blessings of Abundance”

Presenter: Dee Dee Camhi Service Associate: Priscilla Taylor Are we living in a world of scarcity? Too many people living today have this mindset–the apocryphal view that the world is changing—but for the worst. Look at all the negative forces occurring in the world. But also look at all that is positive in the world. … Continue reading “The Blessings of Abundance”

Cultivating Joy through Gratitude

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Richard Clarke explores the transformative power of gratitude to enrich our lives through simple joys and cherished memories. Research underscores the physical and mental benefits of gratitude for older adults, from bolstering immune function to enhancing cognitive well-being. But beyond the science lies a deeper truth: gratitude fosters … Continue reading Cultivating Joy through Gratitude


Presenter: Jud Dolphin Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi The holiday season is upon us. It’s time for giving. Mother Teressa reminds us, “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” Simple words open deeper reflections for more thoughtful kindness. It’s not what we do for holiday spirit, but more … Continue reading Gratitude

“Giving Thanks and the Path to Generosity”

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associate: D’Vorah Kelley Generosity, giving thanks, and gratitude are closely related qualities. Generous people tend to be grateful people, and grateful people tend to be more generous. Perhaps these qualities are a trait of human nature, or perhaps they can be learned – or unlearned. We’ll explore the nature of … Continue reading “Giving Thanks and the Path to Generosity”

“Dear One”

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: D’Vorah Kelley Michael will be sharing an experience he had of the Divine while hiking many years ago. The words of “Dear One” have been a lifeline that continues to inspire him. This is Michael’s story of his search for truth and meaning, an exploration and celebration of a theology … Continue reading “Dear One”

“BRAVADOS” – Book Launch

Prepare to be captivated by candid and deeply personal readings by four members of the Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship community who have contributed to the anticipated publication of BRAVADOS, an anthology of narratives by 21 authors, all of whom live in the Lake Chapala area. Their stories should open your eyes to the benefits … Continue reading “BRAVADOS” – Book Launch


After the holidays is a good time to reflect on all we are grateful for. Dee Dee Camhi will speak about gratitude. Carol Johnson will be the service leader.


Rev. Don Beaudreau will be our speaker. Don is a retired UU minister who has lived with his husband Juan at Lakeside for 10 years. They share their home with 7 dogs, 2 cats, a snowy-white lab mouse named “Algodon” (“Cotton”), and with whatever cow, horse, turtle, dove, snake, etc. that passes by their front … Continue reading LESSONS FROM THE CRITTERS