Topic: Humanism

Quantum Universe – Part 2

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh – Service Associate: Jane Castleman We live in an enigmatic world, one that deep down, doesn’t make ‘common sense’ at all. Yet the physical evidence is sound – the world is ‘quantum’ in nature. It’s hard to make sense of, hard to describe (without advanced mathematics). But we can try. Starting … Continue reading Quantum Universe – Part 2

Quantum Universe – Part 1

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh – Service Associate: Jane Castleman We live in an enigmatic world, one that deep down, doesn’t make ‘common sense’ at all. Yet the physical evidence is sound – the world is ‘quantum’ in nature. It’s hard to make sense of, hard to describe (without advanced mathematics). But we can try. Starting … Continue reading Quantum Universe – Part 1

Cooperation vs. Competition

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associate: Carol Johnson A few weeks ago, I mentioned Charles Darwin’s concept of the survival of the fittest leading to the evolution of species, which has been expanded to a kind of social Darwinism, the idea that society is best organized around competition and reward, leading to the survival of … Continue reading Cooperation vs. Competition

“Ban Guns, Not Books”

Presenter: Sue Kelley  Service Associate: Lynn Cleek Do you know what The Hand maidens Tale, The Bluest Eye and Tango Makes Three have in common? They are all banned books. Sunday, July 30th we discuss the origins of banned books, why some want them banned, what books are banned and what you can do about it. … Continue reading “Ban Guns, Not Books”

We Won’t Be One: Schismogenesis and Human Nature

One of our favorite hymns speaks to one of our deep desires as Unitarian Universalists.- “We Would be One”. Our Lake Chapala congregation holds the idea one oneness as a core theological value. Yet as humans, we like to divide up in to self, in-groups and out-groups, amigo and enimigo (friend and enemy.) Schismogenesis means … Continue reading We Won’t Be One: Schismogenesis and Human Nature

Grace Under Pressure

Ernest Hemingway once said, “Courage is grace under pressure.” Perhaps with this statement, he knew that courage covers more territory than the battlefield or the bullfighting ring. In this service we explore other kinds of courage, including the courage to say no. How do we make choices, how do we act, when external pressure pushes … Continue reading Grace Under Pressure