Topic: Inclusiveness

We strive to truly welcome all persons and to a life in ways that empower and enhance everyone’s participation. Systems of power, privilege, and oppression have traditionally created barriers for persons and groups with particular identities, ages, abilities and histories. We pledge to replace such barriers with ever-widening circles of solidarity and mutual respect.

“Breaking the Silence About Dementia”

Presenter: Elly Conreras Service Associate: Barley Donahue Breaking the Silence about Dementia, Elly Contreras will share a number of factors about dementia,  how we can determine our risk factors and how to prevent or slow down dementia. Through her organization “Lakeside DayBreak Dementia Support” the aim is to make Lakeside a Dementia Inclusive community and … Continue reading “Breaking the Silence About Dementia”

Coming Out

Karen Carlson, a transgender woman, will offer her thoughts on coming out, and tell some of her own story. She married over 30 years ago, a long time before she transitioned to being a woman full time.

Every Person Counts

Inequality is rising in many if not most countries in the world. One of the apologies for inequality is rising meritocracy, the idea that that people should be rewarded with wealth and power based on their talent and achievement. While this might be desirable for overall economic efficiency, meritocracy leaves many people behind. Of course, … Continue reading Every Person Counts


The Jewish Passover holiday starts on sundown Friday evening, March 27, and continues for a week. The holiday celebrates the escape of the ancient Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Thus this holiday is about freedom from oppression, touching larger themes of justice and fairness for all. Rev. Matt Alspaugh is the speaker and Dee Dee … Continue reading Passover

Black History, Black Lives

With voices from Unitarian Universalism’s past and present, we lift up stories of struggle, courage, redemption, and hope: stories that challenge us to create community “where all souls are welcome as blessings, and the human family lives whole and reconciled.”