Topic: Joy

We can be cheerleaders for simple joys (even when we don’t share them) and compassionate about the fact that we’re all just trying to survive. Thank you for our capacity to be comforted, dazzled, and delighted by harmless pleasures and small joys.

Pursuit of Happiness

What is happiness? Is it possible to ‘pursue’ it, or is that an elusive objective? We’ll delve a bit into the recent science of happiness, and what, if anything, might make us happier. Rev. Matt Alspaugh will give the message and Carol Johnson will be the service leader.

A True TED Talk on the Value and Meaning of Friendship!

Hey, I have friends who talk with me, some who bray at me, but I learned one of the most important lessons about the sheer joy and meaning of friendship from our 150-pound Harlequin Great Dane rescue, Maya the Magnificent. Please join us as we explore friendship’s components and ultimate significance with Ted Rogers. D’Vorah … Continue reading A True TED Talk on the Value and Meaning of Friendship!

Flower Communion 2021

The Flower Communion is an annual springtime celebration in most Unitarian Universalist congregations, celebrating the beauty of diversity. Traditionally each person brings a flower, preferably found in their own garden or by the roadside, and each person leaves with a different flower. We’ll ‘pass the flowers’ in a different way, appropriate for a mixed service, … Continue reading Flower Communion 2021

A Melody for Change

Music reflects society, but music can also be a catalyst for change Michael Reason’s multi-media presentation will show how music in the 20th and 21st centuries created social and political commentary and became a global force for change. Dee Dee Camhi is the service leader.

In Celebration of Spring

During this time of uncertainty and differences, some things do not change. On March 20, the Spring Equinox will come and bring a balance of night and day. Esther Jones, Fred Koesling, Fred Harland, and Bob Koches will provide us insight into the celebration of spring. Kaya Reed will be service leader.

In Search of Awe

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associate: Annie Morris I’ve realized that I’ve lived my life, in part, to search for awe. My interest in science, nature, music, art, and in spiritual things may be driven by a yearning for awe. What is this emotion of awe about? It seems so fundamental to our nature. Why … Continue reading In Search of Awe