Topic: Personal Growth

“A Better Way of Being”

Presenter: Rev. Tim Boeve Service Associate: Heidi MacLennan Our world today is filled with harm, seemingly, of late, getting worse by the day. Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön says that one anecdote to not causing harm to ourselves, and others is through mindfulness. The Rev. Tim Boeve will explore tried and true ways of not causing … Continue reading “A Better Way of Being”

“Stories of Our Lives”

Presenter: Ted Fahy Service Associate: Priscilla Tayolor Each of us has endless and endlessly different stories about ourselves. Sunday’s service is an exploration of how our personal narratives are formed and reinforced, although they may bear little resemblance to the realities we have lived. It requires effort, open eyes, resilience, and humility to discover our … Continue reading “Stories of Our Lives”

“Replacing Dogmas with Core Values”

Presenter: David Elison Service Associate: Dee Dee Camhi Dave Ellison was a true-believer, accepting without question both Catholic and United States dogmas. His life experiences, however, as both a teacher and a traveler, led him to discard any and all prescribed notions, and to embrace stoic existentialism. Indeed, he finally recognized that beliefs matter far … Continue reading “Replacing Dogmas with Core Values”

“In Repair We Mend Others and Ourselves”

Ted Fahy: Presenter D’Vorah Kelley: Service Associate “Repair seems a simple word, but it can hold far deeper meaning. Sunday’s reflection is about one Physician’s lifelong journey discovering how mending patients was far more than treating them, and was transformative to both healer and healed.”

“Our Four Brains”

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Explore the fascinating concept of “Our Four Brains.” In this enlightening talk inspired by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Richard Clarke will dive into how each brain—split between our hemispheres and old and new brain structures—has distinct capabilities and personalities. Discover insights into how these four brains shape our … Continue reading “Our Four Brains”

“An Invitation into the Future”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterDee Dee Camhi, Service Associate Every morning as we wake up, become gradually more conscious, aware, we find ourselves with an invitation into the future, into another day, and further, into the rest of our lives. How do we open this invitation? Where does it lead us? Who do we invite to … Continue reading “An Invitation into the Future”

“The Value of Not Knowing.”

Pesenter: Rev. Tim Boeve with Service Associate Joan Ward Rev. Boeve’s presentation arises from the book “Think Again,” by NYT bestselling author Adam Grant, an organizational psychologist, named Wharton’s top-rated professor for seven straight years. Grant argues that “Intelligence is usually seen as the ability to think and learn, but in a rapidly changing world, … Continue reading “The Value of Not Knowing.”

Becoming Whole People

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh; Service Associate: Michael Swords Walt Whitman once said, “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” The Internal Family Systems model suggests that we all contain multitudes of personalities, parts, in our psyches, and further, that some parts may be suppressed or exiled … Continue reading Becoming Whole People