Topic: Personal Growth


Rev. Don Beaudreau will be our speaker. Don is a retired UU minister who has lived with his husband Juan at Lakeside for 10 years. They share their home with 7 dogs, 2 cats, a snowy-white lab mouse named “Algodon” (“Cotton”), and with whatever cow, horse, turtle, dove, snake, etc. that passes by their front … Continue reading LESSONS FROM THE CRITTERS

Grace Under Pressure

Ernest Hemingway once said, “Courage is grace under pressure.” Perhaps with this statement, he knew that courage covers more territory than the battlefield or the bullfighting ring. In this service we explore other kinds of courage, including the courage to say no. How do we make choices, how do we act, when external pressure pushes … Continue reading Grace Under Pressure

How to Find Your Spirit Guide

Mark Hollenstein has spent the last 20 years teaching, coaching, and helping people to seek personal transformative growth through means of becoming more in touch with the spiritual forces guiding our life. Mark, via video presentation, will guide us in a brief journey to locate our own personal spirit guide. Roy Haynes will be the … Continue reading How to Find Your Spirit Guide

Here There Be Dragons

”Here there be dragons” means dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons, sea-monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of a map. Rev. D’Vorah Kelley will share her story – through song, readings, and a fairy tale in three parts of being confronted with one particular … Continue reading Here There Be Dragons