Topic: Personal Growth

Interoception: feeling your body

How do you know what you feel? Interoception is how; it’s the process of feeling your internal feelings. There is much scientific interest now in this now, in how improving interoception can improve your life, your relationships, and your health. And there are easy ways to improve your interoception.

A New Member’s Remarkable Personal Journey

New member Sharon Robinson shares her story of overcoming major obstacles in her life to find her way to the Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Attracted by the truth of the seven UU principles, Sharon offers hope for those seeking to transcend life’s hardships. The Service Leader is Carol Johnson.

In Search of Awe

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh Service Associate: Annie Morris I’ve realized that I’ve lived my life, in part, to search for awe. My interest in science, nature, music, art, and in spiritual things may be driven by a yearning for awe. What is this emotion of awe about? It seems so fundamental to our nature. Why … Continue reading In Search of Awe

Dear One: The Journey Continues

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: Larry Pihl Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem  called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.