Topic: Psychology and Emotions

UUs is full of human doubters. They are among the most intelligent, educated, science-minded of people. Most UUs see supernatural spirits as imaginary, arising from human psychology. Evolutionary forces gave humans what few other
primates can boast of — personalities and emotions.

Becoming Whole People

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh; Service Associate: Michael Swords Walt Whitman once said, “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” The Internal Family Systems model suggests that we all contain multitudes of personalities, parts, in our psyches, and further, that some parts may be suppressed or exiled … Continue reading Becoming Whole People

A Sense of Place

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh There is a sense of rootedness, a sense of place, the interdependence we have with the people and things that are local, directly around us. Yet we live in a global world, easily connecting us with people and things far away. How does this sort of rootedness relate to our global … Continue reading A Sense of Place

“All Work and No Play”

Rev. Matt AlspaughBarley Donahue, Service Associate There’s a story in anthropology circles about the Baining people in New Guinea, who are apparently the only culture in the world who discourage their children from playing. But later evidence suggests this isn’t quite true. Every culture makes space for play. What is so essential about play for … Continue reading “All Work and No Play”

Role of Humor in Relgion and Spirituality

While investigating the relationship of laughter and spirituality, we will explore the healthy effects of laughter on our bodies and our spirits as well as how our attitude affects others. June Wilson will be the presenter and D’Vorah Kelley will be the Service Associatel


Although western culture reveres the idea of the rugged individualist, the reality is that we all depend on our groups to survive and thrive. It is our belonging to families, communities, nations, and ultimately the world that makes life worthwhile. What and to whom do we belong, and why? We’ll explore the nature of belonging, … Continue reading Belonging

Pursuit of Happiness

What is happiness? Is it possible to ‘pursue’ it, or is that an elusive objective? We’ll delve a bit into the recent science of happiness, and what, if anything, might make us happier. Rev. Matt Alspaugh will give the message and Carol Johnson will be the service leader.