Topic: Spiritual Paths

Three Stories

Presenters: Jane Castleman, Michael Swords, Annie Morris Service Associate: Tim Boeve Stories are an important part of life, enriching us and providing meaning. We live by our stories, the ones we learn and the ones we tell ourselves. This Sunday at LCUUF we will hear three separate stories from three of our Fellowship members, Anne … Continue reading Three Stories

“Our Four Brains”

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Explore the fascinating concept of “Our Four Brains.” In this enlightening talk inspired by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Richard Clarke will dive into how each brain—split between our hemispheres and old and new brain structures—has distinct capabilities and personalities. Discover insights into how these four brains shape our … Continue reading “Our Four Brains”

Dear One: The Journey Continues

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: Larry Pihl Michael Swords will share his thoughts on the impact a poem  called “Dear One” found many years ago on Mount Shasta, has had on his life, with quotes from many spiritual leaders.

Do Unitarian Universalists Pray?

Presenters: Rev. D’Vorah Kelley and Kathy Varty As Unitarian Universalists we often come together to explore various spiritual practices. In this service we will explore the many facets of prayer, while recognizing the diversity of beliefs within our community. We will create sacred space where we can reflect, connect, and find inspiration. about why and … Continue reading Do Unitarian Universalists Pray?

“Spaciousness of Belief”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterDee Dee Camhi, Service Associate What attracts so many of us Unitarian Universalism in the first place, and why we stay, is that the UU tradition allow a wide latitude for spiritual belief and practice, and the tradition encourages wide and deep spiritual exploration. How did we come to value freedom of … Continue reading “Spaciousness of Belief”

“Dear One”

Presenter: Michael Swords Service Associate: D’Vorah Kelley Michael will be sharing an experience he had of the Divine while hiking many years ago. The words of “Dear One” have been a lifeline that continues to inspire him. This is Michael’s story of his search for truth and meaning, an exploration and celebration of a theology … Continue reading “Dear One”

“Back to the Roots”

Rev. Matt Alspaugh, PresenterCatherine Luria, Service Associate Many Christians talk about getting back to ‘the religion of Jesus’ (which would really be Judaism) or at least the religion of the early church. We’ll examine what early Christianity might have looked like (warning: it’s more radical than you’d expect!) Why did Christianity change? How might those … Continue reading “Back to the Roots”

“Flashes of Delight”

Rev. Matt AlspaughMichael Swords, Service Associate Oftentimes life offers up little gifts of joy and delight, sometimes unexpected, even intense, oftentimes brief, though the warm memory of such gifts lingers. Like a gemstone we hold up to sunlight, the delight sparkles in unexpected patterns. Delight is rarely something that we can make happen, beyond our … Continue reading “Flashes of Delight”

Cathedral of the World

The Cathedral of the World is a metaphor for the religions of the world, a great hall with numerous rooms and chapels, created by the various religions and faiths of the world. How might we wander through such an edifice, and engage with what we find within? Rev. Matt Alspaugh is the speaker and Annie … Continue reading Cathedral of the World