Topic: Time

Remembering the Future

Rev. Matt Alspaugh has been following the work of futurist Jane McGonigal, who uses massive multiplayer games as simulations to forecast the future. She believes that actively trying to imagine or daydream the future can make us more resilient, better prepared for whatever comes. Can weimagine optimistic rather than a dystopian futures? Will this help … Continue reading Remembering the Future

Eternity is a Very Long Time, Especially Toward the End

We’ve all encountered the idea of ‘eternity’ or ‘eternal life’ offered as words of comfort, typically at funerals or memorial services. But what is eternity anyway? Would eternal life be all that great? We’ll explore various religious concepts of eternity, as well as what science has to say about time and eternity. Rev. Matt Alspaugh … Continue reading Eternity is a Very Long Time, Especially Toward the End