Here are some of our upcoming services. In person services, at the Fellowship, at San Lucas 19 Riberas del Pillar. Face masks are optional. Join us any Sunday at 12:00 pm Central Time on Zoom, at this link: .

Flower Communion

Marsha Buly, Service Assoicate; Adele St. Pierre, Reader The Flower Communion is an annual springtime celebration in most Unitarian Universalist congregations, celebrating the beauty of diversity. Traditionally each person brings a flower, preferably found in their own garden or by the roadside, and each person leaves with a different flower. We’ll redesign that ritual for … Continue reading Flower Communion

Embracing Joy

Joy shows up most often when we are present and open to the uncontrollable beauty of life. Joy recedes when we lose touch with the present, when we are so preoccupied with the future, with trying to control where things are going, that we can’t see what delights might be popping up right in front … Continue reading Embracing Joy

Becoming Whole People

Presenter: Rev. Matt Alspaugh; Service Associate: Michael Swords Walt Whitman once said, “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.” The Internal Family Systems model suggests that we all contain multitudes of personalities, parts, in our psyches, and further, that some parts may be suppressed or exiled … Continue reading Becoming Whole People