The Lake Chapala Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (LCUUF) conducts its pledge campaign for each fiscal year in the prior fall.

A pledge is the annual amount that you expect to donate to LCUUF in the next fiscal year (February 1, to January 31,).  The pledging system helps us plan our budget for the year, and assures us that we will have sufficient income to pay for our part-time minister, our expenses, and any outreach or special projects that we decide on.


Paper pledge forms and envelopes are available on the Welcome Table. They can be completed and put in the offering basket. If you are not attending services in person, you may submit your pledge by sending an email to [email protected]   The email should state ” “My pledge to LCUUF is …(amount in U.S. or Canadian dollars or Mexican pesos)… for the fiscal year from February 1, 20__ to January 31, 20__.”  Be sure that the currency of your pledge is clearly stated and that you state an annual amount. If a couple is pledging together, sign both names on the pledge form or email.

Pledge amounts are confidential and known only to the Treasurer, Bookkeeper, President and the Minister.


It is not necessary to start paying your pledge until after February 1, 20__.

The Pledge Team has arranged several methods for paying your pledge.  First choose the currency of your payment. If you pay in U.S. dollars you will receive a U.S. tax receipt. Then follow the appropriate link below for detailed instructions:

  1. In Mexican pesos:   See methods of payment at this link
  2. In U.S. dollars:  See methods of payment at this link
  3. In Canadian dollars:  See methods of payment at this link


If you have any questions about your pledge, contact the Treasurer, Larry Phil, at  [email protected]