“Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

Presenter: Richard Clarke

Service Associate: Carol Johnson

Join us as Richard Clarke explores the ideas of unity and interconnectedness through the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, a revered sage of the 20th century and Unitarian-Universalist eyes. Discover profound parallels between Universalism, Unitarianism, and Advaita Vedanta in this special talk. Much of Ramana’s teaching aligns with Unitarian Universalist principles. Explore themes of compassionate action, spiritual growth, and respect for diversity. Ramana’s teachings inspire us to awaken to our true nature for the betterment of all. Don’t miss this opportunity to embrace unity and interconnectedness for personal and collective transformation. Join us for an enriching discussion that promises to illuminate the path to spiritual harmony.

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