Topic: Spirituality

“Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

Presenter: Richard Clarke Service Associate: Carol Johnson Join us as Richard Clarke explores the ideas of unity and interconnectedness through the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, a revered sage of the 20th century and Unitarian-Universalist eyes. Discover profound parallels between Universalism, Unitarianism, and Advaita Vedanta in this special talk. Much of Ramana’s teaching aligns with … Continue reading “Embracing Oneness: Exploring Universalism and Unitarianism through the Eyes of Ramana Maharshi”

“Where Will We Experience the Divine in Our Time?”

David Rosh: Presenter Jane Castleman: Service Associate Creation spirituality, the deep awe and wonder we experience in nature, is the oldest spiritual tradition in our world. How then can it be that the ecological balance of our planet is so out of balance, its health in such jeopardy? How did creation spirituality lose its centrality? … Continue reading “Where Will We Experience the Divine in Our Time?”

Getting Out of Our Heads

Writer and contemplative Richard Rohr has said “the key to a healthy spiritual life is getting out of the top three inches of our body.” This is the essence of embodied spirituality. In this service, we explore finding balance by getting out of our heads and into our bodies, all the while not leaving our … Continue reading Getting Out of Our Heads

How to Find Your Spirit Guide

Mark Hollenstein has spent the last 20 years teaching, coaching, and helping people to seek personal transformative growth through means of becoming more in touch with the spiritual forces guiding our life. Mark, via video presentation, will guide us in a brief journey to locate our own personal spirit guide. Roy Haynes will be the … Continue reading How to Find Your Spirit Guide